Sharing plant models

You can share your beautiful plant models made in ngPlant by publishing it on this site. To publish model you send an e-mail with attached .nga file to administrator and after review it will be published providing it meets conditions described below.

Before sending your model for publishing please ensure that the following requirements are met:

  • Model is created by you or meta information in model file contains correct information about the author and the author allows to publish it by choosing appropriate license
  • Textures which are used in model are created by you or license allows to distribute them under Creative Commons licenses
  • License in model’s meta information must be either one of the Creative Commons licenses or be less restrictive than Creative Commons (for example – public domain)
  • Meta information in plant model must be filled correctly:
    • Author field must contain correct author name and (optionally) contact e-mail
    • Author URL field may (optionally) contain author’s homepage URL
    • License and License URL fields must contain license name and URL pointing to license text. For Creative Commons license use ngPlant’s wizard to fill these fields automatically
    • Plant description URL field must contain URL pointing to the page with detailed description of original plant. For example, it can be URL pointing to Wikipedia page describing this plant. This field is optional for non-existing/imaginary plants

To publish model please do the following:

  1. Choose name for your model (.ngp) and archive (.nga) files. Recommended naming convention is <aa>-<name>.ngp for .ngp and <aa>-<name>.nga for .nga file where aa is two-letter author identifier and name is any name you choose for the plant. Two-letter author identifier is required to prevent collision between models with the same names of different authors. Most common way to choose author identifier is to use initials (for John Doe it would be jd). So palm model made by John Doe can be named jd-palm.ngp and jd-palm.nga.
  2. Export your model to .nga file (use File->Export to->ngPlant archive .NGA menu in ngPlant application)
  3. Prepare 2-3 images of your model, these images will be displayed on the web page where it will be published. Straightforward way to do it is to make screen-shots of ngPlant window with loaded model and crop it removing everything except for 3d-view portion of image
  4. Send an e-mail to serge(at) with .nga file and images attached
  5. As soon as your model be processed you’ll be notified by e-mail

For the example of how your model page will look like open the following page: Model: Rose